Fuel Consumption



Distance Travelled:

 miles km 

Fuel Consumed:

 gallons (US) litres 


 mpg km/litre litre/100km



240/260z   280z   280zx 300zx 

Non-Metric Metric
Full Tank Size:   gallons (US)  litres
Full Tank Range:   miles  km 

How to use this table:

  1. Enter the distance travelled in either miles or kilometres (the program converts between both).
  2. Enter the fuel consumed in either US gallons or litres (the program converts between both).
    The program will then fill in the mileage figures.
  3. Select your model. 
    The program will tell you how far you can go on a full tank based on your mileage above. (the 300zx is Z31).

Suggested measuring method:

Fill up your tank (all the way until visible in the filler tube neck). 
Reset trip odometer to 00000
Drive your car until you hit the E on the fuel gauge. 
Re-fill the car (all the way until visible in the filler tube neck) and note trip mileage and quantity of fuel purchased.
Reset trip odometer to 00000
Punch distance from odometer and fuel consumed from bill in the above table


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